Conception, Design & Prototyping
Anna Gayete, Paul Lakos
ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture
Holon is is a multisensory VR experience that critiques western cultural narratives about our conception of dominance over the natural world.
The project challenges the idea of human superiority over nature by creating an embodied interaction where humans and trees are treated as equal partners.
The act of hugging a tree and receiving a hug back in the virtual world symbolizes the interconnectedness and reciprocity between humans and the natural world, evoking a deep sense of belonging in a larger ecosystem.
The irony of the tree-hugging us back highlights the need for humans to be irreverent and reconsider our relationship with the natural world.
Within this playful but provocative experience, Holon strives to deconstruct the notion that humans can dominate nature, and encourage people questioning their assumptions to engage with nature in an interdependence way.